(1) A cigar with both ends cut flat
(1) He had his chair tipped back on its two rear legs and was waving his ever-present cheroot around animatedly, managing not to spill his martini in the process.
(2) Estimates begin at u251cu00f6u251cu00aeu252cu255d50-100 for an amber cheroot holder and a quantity of smoking equipment belonging to the Yeats family.
(3) Feeling a little nauseous when he was done, Adam was carefully pouring some water on the burnt out stub of his cheroot when he spied James flicking the end of his into a pile of leaves, igniting them.
(4) In the end, he would flick the stub of his cheroot into the fire as signal that it was time to go to bed, and that was that.
(5) I have a Walter Mosley novel ready to go, ready for that holy moment on the cliff when I can fire up a cheroot , sip a Belvedere and get lost.
(6) U251cu00f6u251cu00e7u251cu2510Ridiculous isn't it,u251cu00f6u251cu00e7u251cu00fb he says, pulling the cheroot from its cylinder.
(7) Daniel leaned against the kitchen sink and lit up a cheroot .
(8) He had replaced his cheroot temporarily with a regulator mouthpiece and was in full-on paparazzi mode.
(9) The popular image of the director at these sessions is rubbish: has any director ever actually lounged on a divan, smoking a cheroot , drawling u251cu00f6u251cu00e7u251cu2510next!u251cu00f6u251cu00e7u251cu00fb
(10) Sleeves rolled up, Sebastian leaned against the wall with his chair tipped back on two legs and sucked on a cheroot .
(11) Dropping the cheroot on the counter, he strode to her side.
(12) Unfortunately, the Romans, whether enjoying the decadence of a savoured cheroot in Egypt or the smoke-free asceticism of Rome, appear bound by the very buckles on their peculiar boots.
(13) I recall taking second looks as I watched women smoking cigars and cheroots in cafu00d4u00f6u00a3u252cu00ab's and restaurants, something I'd never seen before but something I'm sure Mary has come across.
(14) He preferred to watch, unobserved, the street life of the city from a hole in his prison wall, than to smoke cheroots and talk politics with his fellow prisoners.
(15) Cigars, cheroots and cigarillos of tobacco or tobacco substitutes which have been exempt so far shall attract 16% CENVAT.
(16) The smell of most un-English food, plus a whiff of exotic cheroots , filled the air.
(17) He extracted a couple of cheroots from a slim metal case, offering one to Henry.
(18) Like I said, all that's missing is the cheroots .
(19) He pulled one of the cheroots from the packet he kept them in and began looking for a source to light it.
(20) It was in 1960, or possibly 1961, at any rate before the first Beatles LP, that I went shopping for cheroots with my grandfather.