TV series example of the word

The Big Bang Theory Season 1, Episode 12
There must be some causal link I'm missing.

The Big Bang Theory Season 12, Episode 18
causal explanations of natural phenomena?
কারণিক, কার্যকারণসম্বন্ধীয়
(1) Involving or constituting a cause; causing
(2) Involving or constituting a cause
(3) Causing
(1) It is well established that this may be awarded in appropriate cases but a proper causal connection must be demonstrated.
(2) And Aristotle is surely mistaken in asserting that knowledge is always causal .
(3) Archaeologists are extremely cautious about making causal links between contemporaneous events.
(4) As a rule, complex social phenomena like racism cannot be explained in terms of a single causal factor.
(5) It looks to see if there is a causal link or a causal connection.
(6) One of the gold standards in establishing causal relations between two factors is to show the dose dependent relation.
(7) In some cases it seems that mental illness is a factor on the causal pathway between social position and suicide.
(8) This could be down to any number of factors, however, but no causal effect has been proven as regards to the hormone shampoo.
(9) The causal relevance of social factors must be argued on a case-by-case basis.
(10) However, Mr Cakebread told the court his clients believed there was a causal link between DVT and air travel.
(11) The causal strength of various contributing factors would be assessed.
(12) Some have even maintained that causal statements can be analysed in terms of counterfactual conditionals.
(13) It implies a causal connection: you behaved like this and that was the result.
(14) The problem can be overcome by using serum cholesterol concentration as an intermediate factor in the causal pathway.
(15) There is no simple causal connection between uncertainty and economic weakness.
(16) I do think that in some cases stress is the causal factor, or the way the patient responds to stress is the problem.
(17) The argument that Cheney did not intend the direct causal inference goes as follows.
(18) Let us start with the presupposition that causal determinism obtains.
(19) Obesity is a causal factor in many serious conditions that affect the entire human body.
(20) Alcohol, speed and fatigue have been identified as the leading causal factors.
The Big Bang Theory Season 1, Episode 12
There must be some causal link I'm missing.
The Big Bang Theory Season 12, Episode 18
causal explanations of natural phenomena?