TV series example of the word

The Big Bang Theory Season 2, Episode 7
I don't care. I was in junior rodeo. I can hogtie and castrate him in 60 seconds.

Game of Thrones Season 4, Episode 8
When the slavers castrate the boys, do they take all of it?
খাসি করা, মুষ্কচ্ছেদন করা, খোজা করা
(1) A man who has been castrated and is incapable of reproduction
(1) Deprive of strength or vigor.
(2) Edit by omitting or modifying parts considered indelicate.
(3) Remove the testicles of a male animal.
(4) Remove the ovaries of.
(5) Remove sexual organs.
(1) Agueda Yzquierdo, for instance, could recall the castration of Juan de Aleson, the full castrate who later married Maria de Legaria.
(2) Some castrate their dogs just because they are energetic.
(3) As will be shown below, the castrate , the non-man, played an important role in the ordinary figuring of masculinity and manhood in the Spanish village.
(4) Adrian had a sudden fear that the man might borrow his accomplice's knife and castrate him, or at the very least stab him.
(5) Cronus used a sickle to castrate his father Uranus, and he is often portrayed throughout literature as having a long beard.
(6) The best day, by far, was watching the vet castrate a colt, but for some strange reason, Peter doesn't like me to talk about that too explicitly.
(7) The seventy-year-old father, Matheo, personally warned the local priest that his son, Domingo, at the age of twenty-seven, was a castrate .
(8) Other bulls are castrated, and this seems to be simply based on the individual preference of their owner, although a castrate will grow larger and hence become more valuable.
(9) Such an income would not only have benefited the castrato but, more importantly, the family that castrated him.
(10) The Emperor of China would employ eunuchs, castrated men, as guards and servants in his Palace.
(11) His desire for power is so great that he castrates himself in order to attain invincible and mystical powers.
(12) Pope Sixtus V unequivocally prohibited marriage to castrates in 1587 when he responded to the Spanish papal nuncio's question about several women in Madrid who had married eunuchs.
(13) This avoids the physical and psychological morbidity associated with surgical castration .
(14) Male calves were castrated either at birth, at time of initial vaccination, or at weaning.
(15) We later found out that the song was about a woman who got revenge on a rapist by castrating him.
(16) He demonstrated that atrazine is an endocrine disruptor that chemically castrates and feminizes male amphibians.
(17) Then at 18 she met a group of eunuchs - castrated men who dressed as women and sang and danced for a living.
(18) Regardless of their infamous local reputations, or perhaps to restore them, these castrates occasionally attempted to marry.
(19) Men, in particular, have abhorred the idea of castrating their dogs, as if it were some kind of crime against male dominance.
(20) Indeed, some parasites are castrators , completely destroying the host's reproductive machinery.
The Big Bang Theory Season 2, Episode 7
I don't care. I was in junior rodeo. I can hogtie and castrate him in 60 seconds.
Game of Thrones Season 4, Episode 8
When the slavers castrate the boys, do they take all of it?