ভাপে সিদ্ধ করার পাত্রবিশেষ
(1) Food cooked and served in a casserole.
(2) Large deep dish in which food can be cooked and served.
(3) Dish consisting of a combination of cooked food.
(1) The doorbell rang out through the house just as Mom was pulling her chicken casserole from the oven.
(2) Heat the oil in a flameproof casserole
(3) Warm the olive oil in a deep casserole over a moderate heat, add the onion and let it soften and colour lightly, stirring it from time to time so that it does not brown.
(4) Layer ingredients in the following order in a casserole dish.
(5) Spray an 8x8-inch casserole dish with nonstick cooking spray and spread batter in bottom of dish.
(6) A homey little lamb stew in a ceramic casserole needs nothing more complicated than red wine, tomato and garlic to make its point.
(7) Combine mixture well and spread in a greased casserole dish.
(8) Meanwhile, if you have not already roasted the pork and veal, start from scratch by putting the onions, celery, carrots and black cabbage into a casserole with a little olive oil and water, and letting it become soft.
(9) Heat a casserole dish or wide-bottomed pan, add the oil and fry the cod steaks for about 4 minutes on either side until golden.
(10) Once nice and brown, remove the chicken pieces from the pan and sautu00d4u00f6u00a3u252cu00ab one chopped onion in the casserole and cook until translucent.
(11) Heat 1 tbsp of the oil in a large flameproof casserole or deep saucepan (one with a lid); it should be wide enough to hold all the chicken pieces in a single layer.
(12) Spoon any remaining stuffing into a baking dish or casserole : cover and chill until you're ready to bake it (about an hour before the turkey is scheduled to come out of the oven).
(13) And if you're not up to cooking a casserole , pop some part-made bread from the supermarket in the oven to get those home-made smells going.
(14) Pour the macaroni mixture into the prepared casserole dish.
(15) When glazed on both sides, the casserole is meant for oven cooking only.
(16) When you're ready to serve them pop them into a casserole in a moderate oven for 15 minutes.
(17) First I sautu00d4u00f6u00a3u252cu00abed onion and garlic in a casserole , and while cooking it I peeled and chopped a lot of carrots (they were so small I neede a lot of them, you know).
(18) We had divided up the evening meals between us: Friday night came courtesy of P who had cooked a wonderful casserole similar to cassoulet, full of pork, beans and root vegetables.
(19) A chicken casserole
(20) Heat the olive oil in a large, lidded frying pan or flameproof casserole , and brown the lamb shanks well on all sides.