(1) The normal purpose of any cartel is to keep prices high by controlling supply and demand.
(2) If natural gas producers form a cartel , they could drive world prices even higher
(3) The episode of the cartel transformed political life.
(4) The two main parties have become a cartel , operating a tacit understanding not to broach any important issue.
(5) The party established a de facto political cartel that excluded other parties from power.
(6) As is often the case in the cosy cartel of party politics, the bigger parties are more than happy to retain the status quo.
(7) As with the pure monopoly, companies would join a cartel in order to try to protect themselves from the harmful consequences of competition.
(8) As cartel pricing crumbled, imports flooded in in large quantities for the first time.
(9) The country is poor, and has a history of sclerotic and unresponsive government run by a political cartel .
(10) This policy of keeping inventories low will deny consumers a buffer against any production cutbacks that the cartel may make if prices weaken.
(11) They organize a cartel for the purpose of raising the price for the product in question.
(12) U251cu00f6u251cu00e7u251cu2510Leaving the fare cuts and increases to bus companies could result in price cartels led by the companies,u251cu00f6u251cu00e7u251cu00fb he added.
(13) Both groups are known to work with and protect the drug cartels .
(14) At the end of the war, the Allies had forced the deconcentration of the coal and steel industries in Germany, and the break-up of the cartels that had restricted competition.
(15) International drug cartels - made up largely of Mexican nationals - seem especially drawn to the bounty.
(16) The swirl of rumour includes reports that hold the powerful and influential drug cartels responsible.
(17) US research shows that cartels raise the prices of the affected goods and services by 10 per cent on average.
(18) In the absence of a minimum support price, trade cartels in the towns have continued to profit by continuously lowering the price paid to the Gujjars.
(19) International drug cartels constitute their own society in numerous ways.
(20) One industry source claimed that price fixing and the operation of cartels was widespread in the business.