(1) I do support a carrot and a stick approach, in terms of encouraging firstly, more healthy lifestyles and more healthy living.
(2) The minister warned yesterday a carrot and stick approach may be needed to change the mindset of many leisure craft operators and users.
(3) When you have to offer a huge carrot to those who are supposed to obey you, something has to be wrong.
(4) Chile has been offered the carrot of a more favourable free trade agreement.
(6) On the economic front, it can offer stick and carrot .
(7) The point is, you must approach it with the carrot and the stick.
(9) Once grown, the plants are difficult to transplant because of their long taproots - parsley is in the carrot family.
(10) The fourth variant of coercive diplomacy is the carrot and stick approach.
(11) We then asked ourselves which approach was actually preferable to persuade them: the carrot or the stick?
(12) This will cost more than the government would like, which is why we are being offered the carrot of a salary increase to accept the status quo.
(13) The carrot being offered was special excise tax, but it was not enough.
(14) Most schools use a carrot and stick approach and we think this is the best way to do it.
(15) Can't get your head around the old carrot and stick approach, John?
(16) However, a carrot and stick approach to traffic management doesn't work if only the stick is employed.
(17) For juveniles in this category, the Youth Drug Court Program offers both a carrot and a stick.
(18) American officials say they prefer a carrot rather than a stick approach.
(19) Obviously, tensions are on the upswing here, but how do we balance between a carrot and a stick approach?