(2) Here in Bedford you can't even go with a camera or video recorder to the local swimming pool.
(3) A press photographer's camera flashed
(4) From time to time I get a few queries about my photographs, my camera and techniques.
(5) A photographer's camera flashed
(6) I might have left the camera behind but the image of this wreck was imprinted on my mind.
(7) When I reached him he searched me and told me to take the film out of my camera and give it to him.
(8) The man holding the video camera turned the camera on and brought the eyepiece up to his eye.
(9) After burning up a roll of film Prudence lowered the camera and took the film out to replace it.
(10) There is one camera in the south west of England that is painted with luminous strips.
(11) During the film, the camera lingers on one wall in the bar now owned by Monty's father.
(12) Staff at the centre can use it to download images from traffic cameras around the county.
(13) There, images from two cameras fighting over the same frequency are grainy and dark.
(14) Filmed with four cameras , the result will then be displayed on four television screens.
(15) Among the hours of images caught by the cameras at King's Cross, one sequence stood out.
(16) Monday I leave for Boston with a car full of cameras and film of various shapes and sizes.
(17) Read about a walk around the Radcliffe Camera at Oxford University, part of the Bodleian Library.
(18) To his left, a film crew holding cameras and lights were filming the entire episode.
(19) I quickly resigned myself to the fact that the film in my cameras was going to be lost.
(20) Film from CCTV cameras in the club has been taken away as part of the police inquiry.