(1) Any of several shrubs or small evergreen trees having solitary white or pink or reddish flowers
(1) I delight in growing plants from all over the world and can't see anything wrong with siting an Asian camellia next to a Hawaiian hibiscus - their shape, colours and form complement each other nicely.
(2) For something in bloom, choose a camellia , Christmas cactus or moth orchid.
(3) Camellia japonica, like most camellias , needs a site shaded from morning sun, sheltered from icy winds, and with moisture in the soil sufficient to prevent bud drop in autumn and winter.
(4) With their evergreen, glossy leaves camellias look good year-round and make an excellent backdrop for summer flowering plants.
(5) The shrubs include camellias , hellebores, pieris and hydrangeas, which make a splendid sight when in bloom.
(6) The best camellias are usually grown in beds or in areas where the soil and surroundings offer a friendly home for them.
(7) U251cu00f6u251cu00e7u251cu2510It does have the Japanese plants, though,u251cu00f6u251cu00e7u251cu00fb she says, including camellias , acers, azaleas and ferns.
(8) The garden was created by banker Lionel de Rothschild in the 1920s and is famous for its stunning displays of camellias , azaleas and rhododendrons.
(9) Good buys include azaleas, camellias and rhododendrons.
(10) Gardenias like an acidic soil and so grow well with camellias , azaleas and rhododendrons.
(11) Shrubs with waxy leaves, such as camellias , gardenias and ixoras always look fresh and composed.
(12) These include azaleas, rhododendrons and camellias .
(13) Among the plants in the garden are roses, a white magnolia, camellias , tulips, white primula, blue lobelia and much more.
(14) The pavilions will house plants from temperate regions of the southern hemisphere such as passion flowers, camellias , banksias, tea trees and wattles.
(15) Gardenias and camellias had also been suggested as candidates for this honor.
(16) Rhododendrons, most heathers, camellias and many others must have acid soil.
(17) Her romantic garden showcases David Austin roses, hydrangeas, camellias , orange trees and numerous perennial and annual plants.
(18) There are also many flowers and shrubs including tree heather, azaleas and camellias , while the two large greenhouses include an apricot and peach tree, nectarine trees, tomatoes and vines.
(19) The beds are planted with a wide range of trees and shrubs, including acers, camellias , rhododendrons, oaks and beeches, beneath which grow choice perennials and bulbs.
(20) The garden includes ferns, hydrangeas, irises, waterlilies, camellias , rhododendrons, Japanese maples and fuchsias.