(1) The plant will develop into a dense bush
(3) They go and plant some trees outside, while meanwhile they rip out all the bush in Western Australia and leave behind devastation.
(4) Its popularity quickly spread, capturing the imagination of Australians both in the bush and throughout the colony.
(5) When I visited the remains of my family home a couple of years ago, I found only ruins amid grass and bush .
(6) If we didn't the countryside and the bush wouldn't be so green and lush.
(7) Then I'd like to go back to South Africa, to the bush , to shoot wildlife.
(8) You can walk down through the bush to the foreshore.
(9) I started to run along the path, thinking that I'd not help matters if I sprained my ankle but not wanting to get stuck in the bush when darkness fell.
(10) The mountain slopes that had been stripped were covered in bush and vines.
(11) The lowland country was covered in thick bush
(12) So are many of these bush foods difficult to grow?
(13) A pair of short tooth-like horns poked from a bush of curly hair that topped the faun's clever-looking face.
(14) They have to spend a night camping in the bush
(15) U251cu00f6u251cu00e7u251cu2510The silly thing is they have cut the crown of the trees so they won't grow tall but will bush out,u251cu00f6u251cu00e7u251cu00fb Mr Kenzler said.
(16) A childish face with a bush of bright hair
(17) The highway then drops down to pass through the Glenhope district and through bush alongside the Hope River to Kawatiri Junction.
(18) The greying greenery of the landscape shows that the past summer brought adequate rainfall, particularly for grass and small bush vegetation.
(19) Thousands of hectares of bush and vegetation were destroyed.
(20) For day after day south of Marzuk we saw nothing but stony wastes and sand dunes with never a blade of grass or bush to relieve the aridity.