গুম গুম শব্দ, ঘর্ঘর শব্দ, গড়্ গড়্ শব্দ, গুরু গুরু শব্দ, কণ্টকময় বীজকোষ, চোরকাঁটা
(1) Seed vessel having hooks or prickles.
(2) Rough projection left on a workpiece after drilling or cutting.
(3) United States politician who served as vice president under Jefferson; he mortally wounded his political rival Alexander Hamilton in a duel and fled south (1756-1836.
(4) Rotary file for smoothing rough edges left on a workpiece.
(5) Small bit used in dentistry or surgery.
(6) United States politician who served as Vice President under Jefferson.
(7) He mortally wounded his political rival Alexander Hamilton in a duel and fled south (1756-1836).
(1) Remove the burrs from
(1) If a contraption doesn't beep or burr when he switches it on, it's just too demeaning for him even to contemplate.
(2) A heartbeat, a voice, and a burr of conscience I continue to gratefully hear.
(3) The best way I know of to learn a uvular trill, sometimes called a ' burr ', is by practicing gargling.
(4) I hit my first snag when I managed to burr one of the screws, which made it impossible to remove the arm at all!
(5) This allows the surgeon to perform surgery through a small burr hole.
(6) He's the fearless interlocutor with a Yorkshire burr ; ladies and gentlemen, please welcome: Michael Parkinson!
(7) U251cu00f6u251cu00e7u251cu2510So sad what's happened with Scottish football,u251cu00f6u251cu00e7u251cu00fb he mourns in his soft Fife burr .
(8) Armed with a Scottish burr but scant design experience, his vision was to build an authentic links in America, something akin to an 1880s course, but done with modern equipment.
(9) Amongst the crowd, whether on or off horses, the old fashioned accents of the gentry were mingled with the softer burr of the yeoman farmers and the downright rusticity of the less well-off.
(10) We note that the brighter signal from the center of the tumor may be partly due to reduced attenuation of the light through the burr hole.
(11) She says the Scottish burr just melts her away and she recalls a long-forgotten trip to Edinburgh just after the war.
(12) That genial smile, the fisherman's countenance, the soft burr - George Baker could only come from the West Country.
(13) That's one group but the other group had the burr holes made in their skull but they didn't actually have the cells put in their brain.
(14) Mervin Austin mills his own flour using French burr stones and Derbyshire peak stones.
(15) Burr walnut
(16) Wemyss now speaks mostly fluent English, heavily accented but with a Scottish burr breaking through when she is relaxed.
(17) Arthroscopic surgery is often performed to take out inflamed bursal tissue and create more room for the rotator-cuff tendons by using a burr to remove some of the underside of the acromion bone.
(18) Cope's accent is all over the place: part-Liverpudlian, part-American, but not much of a West Country burr and no trace of the Wales he was spirited from as a kid.
(19) The urban manufacturers in Edinburgh and Glasgow usually made up their millstones from a centre-piece of indigenous rock with radial French burr segments around it.
(20) I tried suggesting he tape over the burr or maybe file it down but he stubbornly insisted that it was fine, cursing under his breath the whole time he cranked the mill.