নগর, শহর
(1) Colloquial American term for a town
(1) U251cu00f6u251cu00e7u251cu2510Condit Countryu251cu00f6u251cu00e7u251cu00fb is a bad enough slogan for this agribusiness burg , yet, not satisfied with it, the city boosters have also erected an arch across the main street.
(2) Apparently, folks from the local dirt farms are disappearing, and the brackish burg has already seen its quota of alien abductions for the year.
(3) By the time he left Philadelphia in late 2001 for the struggling industrial burg of Burlington City, N.J., he'd built himself a legacy.
(4) In a bizarre and questionably legal move prior to the city's mega-merger, a bunch of outgoing Cu00d4u00f6u00a3u00d4u00f6u00f1te-St-Luc city councillors bade adieu to their burg by naming their city's parks after themselves.
(5) As the sun glanced through my window, I realized my sense of well-being is definitely engendered by the presence of 3 Rogers and Hammerstein productions in our fair burg .
(6) The Old English (Anglo-Saxon) terms burg , burh, and byrig were used originally for fortified places, including villages and royal halls.
(7) You hear quickly that Gordon, born in California and now a citizen of the world, remembers fondly the place where he grew up - Pittsboro, a small burg just west of Indianapolis.
(8) Kate looked once more at the dead soldiers, at the burg wall beyond, and sorrowfully turned to follow.
(9) U251cu00f6u251cu00e7u251cu2510Early on, I tried to cater it to the Canadian scene and I really couldn't do it,u251cu00f6u251cu00e7u251cu00fb says Smith, on the phone from his home in Dunnville, Ont., a small burg near Lake Erie.
(10) Deriding the little burg as u251cu00f6u251cu00e7u251cu2510Lobster Townu251cu00f6u251cu00e7u251cu00fb or calling someone an idiot is as rebellious as anyone gets.
(11) Finding every fall in this area would take a lifetime, so concentrate on Marquette County and the delightful burg of Big Bay.
(12) Gathering the reins in his hands, he led the two horses and Kate out of the burg .
(13) But almost any small burg that sprang up along a stream in Alabama soon had a working grist mill capable of milling the non-glutinous corn.
(14) How do you rustle up some fast cash for your troubled burg ?
(15) He was a jet plane touching down in every city and burg from here to Harrisburg, carrying the message of the greatness of Napa Valley wine.
(16) After another leg, we stopped in Alexander City, Ala., a tiny burg about 70 miles east of Birmingham.
(17) Can't help wondering what Kal-El would say about the presence of a gambling den in his fair burg - seems like something more appropriate to Gotham City.
(18) For the trouble of saving your life, he sets you up in an abandoned warehouse in a seedy burg known as Carcer City.
(19) More likely it was a case of misplaced scorn for the saccharine melodies that overwhelmed the odes to left-coast burgs Santa Cruz, Big Sur and Hollywood.
(20) Toronto has passed a pesticide ban, hot on the heels of more progressive burgs .