(1) Perhaps he could not harm the bully, but the bully 's favourite toy could be broken.
(2) Jurors and the public in general doesn't want to see lawyers bully people unless, as I say, they kind of just feel the first punch.
(3) The kid who was bullied becomes the bully , taunting, beating up fellow students, and intimidating teachers.
(4) It's a bully conclusion to a riveting journey through time.
(5) Again, the world is stood on its head: siding with the United States, the global bully , demonstrates strength.
(6) The law gives him the power to bully military officers.
(7) McCarthy was a state-backed bully and demagogue who harmed many innocent people.
(8) Dealing with a bully without becoming a thug yourself is not wimpish, negative passivity.
(9) He is a ranting, domineering bully
(10) Techniques for dealing with a bully without becoming a thug are covered in the next chapter and then the focus widens to u251cu00f6u251cu00e7u251cu2510Power and World Conflictu251cu00f6u251cu00e7u251cu00fb.
(11) They may also try to intimidate or bully us by threatening our communications networks and power distribution centers.
(12) I may enjoy even less security than people in offices, but no boss can bully me, and I don't have to pretend to worship any company.
(13) Did they think they had some right to bully me, to intimidate me, to own me?
(14) She opened the back door only to see thrown down on the lawn an empty can of her bully beef and, to make matters worse, an empty tin of her cat's food!
(15) This has become a crusade by a single judge attempting to bully other people into accepting his beliefs.
(16) Yummy, bully for you!
(17) Her main strength is her hypocrisy, which she uses to bully the other teams into giving up luxuries that she herself uses daily.
(18) It's been used not only for fraud, but to bully people and give them a bad name.
(19) Pester-power is an amazingly strong force, and children know how best to bully their parents into buying them what they want.
(20) I'm not sure who told them it was wise to stand up to the schoolyard bully, but that same person may want to remind them that the bully is generally the bully because he can hit really, really hard.