TV series example of the word

The Big Bang Theory Season 8, Episode 6
<i>That my body will blacken And turn into coal</i>

Game of Thrones Season 3, Episode 7
Well, you rip my pretty silk dress, I'll blacken your eye.
দুর্নাম করা, কৃষ্ণবর্ণে রঁিজত করা, কৃষ্ণবর্ণে রঁিজত হত্তয়া, কলঙ্কিত করা, কাল করা, কাল হওয়া
(1) Make or become black.
(2) Burn slightly and superficially so as to affect color.
(3) Darken.
(4) Malign; smear.
(1) Or could it have been, as he implied, jealous rivals who wanted to blacken his name and damage his business?
(2) In your desire to blacken the reputation of this country, you have resorted to the dissemination of falsehoods, misrepresentations and innuendos without any factual basis.
(3) England's skies blacken as coal makes the industrial revolution possible.
(4) First they accused the film writer of plagiarism to blacken her name and destroy her credibility, then attacked the film script.
(5) Thus he cheerfully permitted his supporters to blacken his political opponents' reputations with false accusations and innuendo, but refused to use information about their private lives that would have destroyed them.
(6) This went on until several men were hired to blacken their faces, hide, jump out and shout u251cu00f6u251cu00e7u251cu2510boo!u251cu00f6u251cu00e7u251cu00fb
(7) In battle men may blacken their skin similar to the cassowary's colouration.
(8) He set fire to the paper, watching the end blacken as it burned
(9) The herb was added as it can blacken hair and it will also add to the astringent quality of the formula.
(10) This is never more apparent than when the light fails and huge flocks of rooks and crows blacken the sky as they come home to roost, their cries echoing eerily across the marsh.
(11) He set light to the paper, watching the end blacken as it burned
(12) They burn cork and blacken their faces, painting on big red lips, donning white gloves.
(13) This is an administration so wedded to spin and manipulation that it is seeking to blacken a decent man's reputation even as his body lies unburied.
(14) It became the most effective typological tool to blacken the Irish character and, through association, declare it unfit for self-government.
(15) Children also used to blacken their faces, as Guy Fawkes and his fellow conspirators might have done.
(16) They also paint their bodies and blacken their teeth.
(17) Halve and deseed the peppers and place, with rounded sides uppermost, under a preheated grill until the skins blacken .
(18) Since then he has done everything possible to politically destroy his opponent and blacken his name through a series of trumped up charges.
(19) The night before Bonfire Night was once known as Mischief Night, when children would blacken their faces and play pranks.
(20) His blue eyes blacken and I watch aghast, as he buries his face in his hands with a barely stifled groan.
grow/become black
The Big Bang Theory Season 8, Episode 6
<i>That my body will blacken And turn into coal</i>
Game of Thrones Season 3, Episode 7
Well, you rip my pretty silk dress, I'll blacken your eye.