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English to Bangla Meaning of bindweed - পুষ্পলতাবিশেষ

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Definitions of bindweed in English


(1) Any of several vines of the genera Convolvulus and Calystegia having a twining habit

Examples of bindweed in English

(1) Docken, like dandelion, nettle, ground elder, bindweed and couch-grass belongs to that troublesome group of wild flowers called perennial weeds.

(2) Having said that, be assured that late summer is ideal for tackling the growth of difficult weeds such as ground elder, brambles, bindweed and Japanes knotweed.

(3) Perennial weeds such as horsetail and bindweed need more attention because the roots should be removed to stand any chance of eradicating them.

(4) None of the chemicals knocked out field bindweed or little mallow, but that's been the case with methyl bromide plus chloropicrin, too.

(5) Spray perennial weeds such as bindweed and Canadian thistle with a glyphosate-based herbicide before first frost.

(6) The weed strangling your garden is known as bindweed .

(7) On the way from the airport to the hotel I spotted hundreds of sky-blue flowers (about the size of bindweed flowers) on ground-hugging plants - seemingly wild - on the side of the highway.

(8) Nettles and tangles of bindweed , pelt-snagging goosegrass and bedstraw alike were avoided, while he gazed with pleasure on the eager growth of scattered rowan and hawthorn saplings.

(9) Before we moved here, two pernicious weeds - bindweed and sticky-willie - had been allowed to establish themselves throughout the length of the hedge.

(10) A factory farm stood silent and abandoned, hedges of elders dripped berries and were decorated with white trumpets of bindweed .

(11) Weed control weaknesses: Provides poor control of legumes, Carolina geranium, morningglories, bindweed , and sedges.

(12) Using his trusty scanner again, Doran has taken plants that most gardeners would characterise as weeds, such as dandelions and bindweed , and photographed them against a plain black background.

(13) Brambles and bindweed (which he called bindbell) mainly.

(14) To the right is a wilderness, abandoned to brambles, ground elder, bindweed and buddleia.

(15) These so-called host plants include many broadleaf weeds and cover crops such as nettles, mallow, chicory, dandelion, thistles, bindweed , deadly nightshade, and many clovers.

(16) Avoid tilling overly aggressive or invasive plants that produce root-buds, such as crabgrass, johnsongrass, bindweed or Canada thistle.

(17) Perennial grasses such as bluegrass and quackgrass and broadleaves such as Canada thistle, bindweed , and curly dock also could be addressed with the Roundup Ready weed control program.

(18) And please don't talk to me about u251cu00f6u251cu00e7u251cu2510well bindweed is okay but creeping buttercup is a little rascalu251cu00f6u251cu00e7u251cu00fb, because we're not on first name terms, the weeds and I.

(19) Even the salvias and euphorbias are suffering, and I see bindweed .

(20) The list of weed species includes: morninglory, bindweed , buckwheat, Pennsylvania smartweed, Venice mallow, sweet clover, velvetleaf, lamb's quarters, and nightshade.

synonyms of bindweed




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Published: 12 Mar, 2023

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