(1) Before joining the bench , the Judge was a law professor who was well known for his erudite criticism of legalized abortion.
(2) Can no efforts be made to remove these Justices from the bench ?
(3) They finally took a seat on a stone bench located near one tiny pond within the back garden.
(4) As an MP his oratorical powers and capacity for mastering legislative detail made him the outstanding parliamentarian on the Labour bench .
(5) A special meeting of the Opposition will also be held on June 22 to discuss the line of action to be taken up by the Opposition bench during the Monsoon session.
(6) Wasn't the substitute's bench just packed full of World Class players?
(7) The equipment can range from a simple draw bench for intermittent drawing, to multiple draw blocks for continuous operation.
(8) Magistrates threw out this appeal in October, but objectors are currently considering taking the bench 's decision to judicial review at the High Court.
(9) A Leyland magistrate is being forced to retire from the bench against his will because he is too old!
(10) The trail crosses onto the north side and continues downhill and east along the rocky bench above the creek.
(11) One recent hot afternoon, I was at the East Coast Park sitting on a stone bench all by myself by the beach.
(12) With all of the starting spots filled, the Mariners may try to land a hitter who can share time in the outfield and come off the bench late in games.
(13) First-choice half back Sean Long endured a nightmare first half at the JJB and should be relegated to the bench when coach David Waite names his side today.
(14) Still, McRae has not been hesitant to bench players who fail to do the little things.
(15) In an unprecedented move Magistrate Nicholas got up from the bench and sat at the bar table with the witness and the accused.
(16) He stared intently at the magistrates' bench and his defence solicitor throughout the case and spoke only to confirm his name and address.
(17) So instead, GOP senators are claiming that there's nothing wrong with naming politicized figures to the bench .
(18) Unlike Northampton they couldn't call even better players off the bench to help out.
(19) Which is to say, Jones watched the entire game from the bench .
(20) He's got the long-hair, the ripped clothing, and he can bench 200 pounds.