(1) A poem consisting of 3 stanzas and an envoy
(1) Every now and then they stretch to a nocturne (average running time: five minutes) or polonaise (around six minutes), but seldom a ballade (close to ten).
(2) Still, there is considerable personal concern in this ballade ; Charles hopes that the influential Philippe and Isabelle won't forget him, and he needs desperately the help of friends.
(3) This song is an example of the ballade , one of the formes fixes, song patterns favored by the troubadours and trouvu00e8res.
(4) His performance of the first ballade was effective and powerful.
(5) The rondeau, virelai, and ballade have refrains as part of the poetic structure of their texts; these are distinct, though related.
(6) The author takes the coda of the Chopin F Minor ballade as an example.
(7) In the ballade to Philippe, then, the u2018cueur en gageu2019 likely would not seem particularly clever or pointedly topical.
(8) After a few giggles from the members of the class, Pfeiffer continued with the second ballade of the Opus 10 set.
(9) The legend upon which the ballade is based is just ghoulish enough to appeal to a teenager whose favorite pastime was watching horror movies.
(10) The ballade , perhaps an 1848 homage to Liszt's soon-to-be-dead friend Chopin, was played every bit as tempestuously as one could wish for.
(11) Gone are the days of programming a Bach prelude & fugue, a Beethoven sonata, a Chopin ballade and then ending with the Prokofiev Toccata.
(12) To me, he plays it as if it were one of the Chopin ballades .
(13) As if to defy the Depression, newspapers put a premium on cleverness, challenging readers with ballades and triolets, rhyming versions of operas, travelogues in verse.
(14) The dramatic ballades that Goerne chooses - Belsazar, Die beiden Granadiere, and Die Lu00c3wenbraut - offer their greatness only very reluctantly.
(15) Within the squares of a chessboard, he has inscribed diverse phrases that can be recombined to form thirty-eight separate ballades .
(16) His rondeaux and many of his ballades combine different, often highly syncopated, rhythms.
(17) Although I found his interpretation of the sonata a shade tame, the variations and ballades breathe a truly Olympian spirit of resigned grief.
(18) Throughout his career, Brahms favored three-part form as the primary organizational type for his ballades .
(19) The complete Latin versions of these two ballades are included at the end of this article.
(20) Schumann wrote that the poetry of Adam Mickiewicz gave Chopin the rhythms for parts of his ballades , although I don't know if anyone can really say exactly which poems.
(21) I find the fourth the most ruminative of Chopin's ballades .
(22) We are still writing sonnets, villanelles, sestinas, even pantoums and triolets, ballades and rondels, as well as inventing u2018nonceu2019 forms to suit our uses.
(23) There were ballades , chants royal, kyrielles, sestinas, triolets, villanelles, and virelais to play with, and poets of varying merit had a go.
(24) His arias became more expressive in the 1840s, but he also continued to use popular song types such as barcarolles, ballades , and chansons.
(25) He has the power required for the emotive climaxes of the two ballades , and he can scale his sound back for Chopin's more confessional writing.
(26) His handling of the larger pieces, especially those where narrative played the predominant role, such as the ballades , was inconsistent.