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English to Bangla Meaning of baldy - Baldy

Definitions of baldy in English


(1) No data available


(1) No data available

Examples of baldy in English

(1) The protagonist is a middle aged man in blue overalls, with a neat haircut and little baldy patch.

(2) Then as it drew closer I realised that it was a toupee and that the wind had blown it straight of his baldy head.

(3) But the tough-looking kid, sensing she's about to lose her milk bottle, says, ‘I don't think so, baldy .’

(4) If this was Sheffield, where The Full Monty came from, a wig war would have been the cue for slapper jokes and baldy scams, but not here.

(5) I was still quite dull at that point, and to add to it, I looked like a baldy old man.

(6) The irony gets a little heavy-handed - one of the baldies discovers love while picking up an anorexic chick in the hospital cafeteria - but the sentiment is genuine.

(7) And if he keeps up this momentum, the baldie who launched a thousand advert soundtracks should start watching his back.

(8) But as a middle-aged baldie who stands at five foot eight with a following wind, I hesitate to go around criticising how other people look.

(9) Not all male baldies are unhappy with their hairless lot.

(10) But much as I'd like to take a critical blowtorch to the baldie vegan's latest platter, there's no criticising his not broke/don't fix it decision.

(11) Even so, despite her ‘inner beauty’ platitudes, she's voted off the fats, baldies and dental monstrosities in an entirely predictable manner.

(12) For the most part, the Etech conference was made up of two groups: the graybeards and the baldies (alternatively the t-shirt brigade).

(13) The occasional young face was apparent among the baldies and fatties.

(14) I am a baldie and over the last year or so, I have noticed more men with longer hair and that women are paying less attention to bald headed men.

(15) Still the large contingent of baldies and grey-hairs (myself in both camps) seem to really dig it.

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Published: 12 Mar, 2023

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