ভেড়ার ডাক, ছাগলের ডাক
মেষের মত ডাকা, ব্যা-ব্যা করা
(1) The cry made by sheep
(2) United States writer of children's books (1856-1919
(1) Cry plaintively
(1) However, when a person who is exhibiting sheep at the county fair calls out as he or she enters the barn where there are many pens of sheep, only her or his sheep will baa .
(2) They long to be part of the crowd, one of the guys, to baa with the sheep and swing with the other monkeys.
(3) Aside from the occasional lazy baa of an unseen sheep, you could be the only person on earth.
(4) When she was a lamb she baaed at everything, a very distinctive baa .
(5) Not doing much to dispel their clown reputation, this tune includes a bird tweeting and a sheep's baa !
(6) Meanwhile, they were peering through the fence, baaing .
(7) Cattle and sheep started to roam languidly towards the hill slopes where they grazed, mooing and baaing .
(8) The expanse of the valley was dotted with many white dots, and a black one here and there, dots that hopped around from time to time and baaed continuously.
(9) With that, he smiled, closed his eyes, and then he sank into a deep sleep, unconscious of the sheep in the next field baaing for their breakfast.
(10) Koopa arrives with the letter, but hears moans and baas from the shed.
(11) We knew they had brought sheep with them, for they could be heard, baaing and jingling their bells, thou251cu00f6u251cu00e7u251cu00fb see them we could not.