(1) I've aye fancied mysel' as the Gala Queen.
(2) All those in favour of watching home movies say aye .
(3) Oh aye , sorry I was miles away, I'll be right there.
(4) So, mind that ye put in water right away, aye and a drop or two of Irish Whiskey will help.
(5) Representatives from IBM, Toshiba, Hitachi, Iomega, Microsoft, Phoenix, Absolute Software, and Circuit Assembly voted aye .
(6) All in favour say aye
(8) Aye, you're right about that
(9) All in favour of dumping the strawberries say aye .
(10) Oh aye , I miss it, but it's the homework I miss most of all.
(11) Mr. Chairman, 11 members have voted aye , 27 members have voted no.
(12) Speaker Neil Andrew asked those in favour to say aye .
(13) Aye, you're right there
(14) ÔÇÿAye, aye , master,ÔÇÖ said the man; ÔÇÿwe are English.ÔÇÖ
(15) I've aye fancied seeing Edinburgh
(16) For example, the Challenge Round, while receiving more ayes than nays from fans, will definitely be modified to provide greater drama for the audience.
(17) If one goes to the application book, volume 1, page 23, line 30, it can be seen that it is recorded that the result of the division, this is on the second reading: ayes 14 and noes 13.
(18) All the Joint Chiefs except for Barrow had said, aye aye , sir, we'll go over to Congress to testify in favor of eliminating restrictions on women in combat.
(19) As I went through voting I noticed at least what I saw were all ayes .
(20) They then circled ayes or no for each question on an answer sheet they had been provided.