(1) Since Euclid's axiomatic formulation of geometry mathematicians had been trying to prove his fifth postulate as a theorem deduced from the other four axioms.
(2) That people are different and should be allowed to make different choices is axiomatic to libertarians but they normally take that as given rather than arguing for it.
(3) It is axiomatic that to understand fully the current state of any area of human endeavour it is of vital importance to have a clear grasp of its past.
(4) And when you start caring about sports in Philadelphia, it's pretty much axiomatic that you're going to get your heart broken.
(5) How would an Aristotelian understand complex analysis, or functional analysis, or point set topology, or axiomatic set theory?
(6) We suggest that it was during R. L. Moore's tenure at Penn that he began to develop his method of teaching axiomatic systems, particularly topological spaces.
(7) The authors seem to accept it as axiomatic that the masses who suffer under tyranny are necessarily pro-American.
(8) It is axiomatic that the differences among the Chiefs of Staff are resolved by the military professionals themselves, with one of them acting as the arbitrator.
(9) It is axiomatic that hard cases make bad law, but this is not a hard case.
(10) The constitution can be faulted to a very great extent for this present state of affairs, but it is axiomatic that in making constitutions work, a give-and-take between rival factions is essential.
(11) Daily, the truth of this proposition - axiomatic to our ancestors, crassly ignored by progressive theorists today - becomes more evident.
(12) Like the photographer who shows his or her aptitude in the selective framing, it is axiomatic that the decisive representation of a single scene in pictorial representation is a key to its beauty.
(13) It is axiomatic that every generation thinks the music of its youth was a benchmark of pop greatness.
(14) It is axiomatic that the effective operation of our system of justice is contingent upon the existence of sufficient public confidence in its ability to perform its functions.
(15) It is a tone which implies that certain thing in life are so axiomatic that no discussion of them is necessary or even possible.
(16) It should be axiomatic that the State, acting as the collective will of its people, will not let a handful of unscrupulous persons with clever tongues to take control of the common man's freedom.
(17) It'll be all-natural and organic, of course; still, he's entering a market in which it is axiomatic that you either grow or die.
(18) It is nearly axiomatic that voters in an election typically prefer the more likable candidate.
(19) It's axiomatic that we have a grow-or-die economy.
(20) Which is that it is practically axiomatic that no decent progressive can really hold office - and remain worthy of support.