(1) For the past five years I have been a regular attendant at the Algico Primary Schools Sports and the lack of parental support has always struck me.
(2) The Prince would produce a rapid succession of sizzling chops, steaks and sausages not only for the guests but also for the attendant staff.
(3) If by u251cu00f6u251cu00e7u251cu2510urbanu251cu00f6u251cu00e7u251cu00fb we mean the tendency to form society, founding cities with all their attendant rules, then the Harappan people succeeded admirably.
(4) Being an attendant lord must be the height of our ambition.
(5) I must confess that anything resembling objectivity was corrupted by the rather disturbed presence of my attendant companions.
(6) What is sad is that neither of them can attribute late diagnosis and the attendant complications to social deprivation, poor access to medical care, or any of the factors identified by Fraser et al.
(7) We stepped aside only for a large flock of freshly-shorn sheep that seemed, without attendant farmer or dog, on autopilot back to their field.
(8) The worry caused by the affair and the attendant concern over people's money leaves a bad taste, even if the entire saga was a misunderstanding and everyone gets their money back.
(9) These creatures are touted as wonderful companions without the attendant problems caused by real pets and/or other human beings.
(10) Government policy states that increases in water charges should result in an attendant reduction in commercial rates, yet, both continue to rise.
(11) She was also an avid bingo player and a regular attendant at the Adoration Hour in Ballon Church.
(12) The muscle biopsy can be accomplished as an outpatient procedure and carries the attendant risks of pain, bleeding, infection, and sensory loss.
(13) Godric had been his personal attendant since his sixteenth year and the man had been just as preoccupied about the state of Briar's appearance then as he was now.
(14) He was, on the face of it, no more than an accessory to the theatrically gifted and great, an attendant lord but never Hamlet.
(15) The last essay, by Blair Ruble, deals with the problems attendant on the creation of new civic or national symbols.
(16) Same ward at night and a toddler without an attendant parent screamed for a full hour while three members of staff chatted and laughed around the desk, until two parents got up and complained.
(17) U251cu00f6u251cu00e7u251cu2510Customers have come in saying there are massive queues in all the other garages,u251cu00f6u251cu00e7u251cu00fb an attendant at the Cardiff Service Station said.
(18) With the operation taking twice as long it stands to reason that there will have to be an extra refuse lorry with its attendant driver and loader.
(19) The attendant physician, possibly overawed by the eminence of his charge, gave a warning which, in the wisdom of hindsight, he probably regretted for the rest of his life.
(20) Thus, the attendant female is assumed to be the social and genetic mother.