TV series example of the word

The Big Bang Theory Season 10, Episode 6
or possibly penguins, her English is atrocious.
নৃশংস, খুব খারাপ
(1) Shockingly brutal or cruel
(2) Exceptionally bad or displeasing
(3) Provoking horror
(1) If the tour were cancelled, a valuable opportunity to raise public awareness of the atrocious regime would be lost.
(2) Frankly, I'm disgusted by the atrocious writing I have to read every day as part of my job.
(3) Upon returning to the United States, after having seen atrocious abuses first hand, he says that he could not stay silent.
(4) Also, I have witnessed the most atrocious driving by some Bradford taxi drivers, placing other road users in jeopardy.
(5) You can't let that psychological battle have the victim all of a sudden take on the guilt for the atrocious acts of the perpetrator.
(6) They watched the hideous spectacle, stunned by the monster's atrocious acts.
(7) In practice, this meant all but the most atrocious offenses got mere wrist slaps.
(8) The supporting cast was atrocious and really brought the overall quality of the movie down with it.
(9) It was possibly the most atrocious monstrosity every pulled off on American soil.
(10) I foresee that man will resign himself each day to more atrocious undertakings; soon there will be no one but soldiers and bandits.
(11) The writing was atrocious , scribbled in black ink, and Karen had to focus on each word to decipher it.
(12) But it was terrible for everyone, and people not in my cohort also told me the first year is always atrocious .
(13) The policy is atrocious and an insult to soldiers and their families.
(14) We paid Ôö¼├║3,000 for an all-inclusive holiday and the food was atrocious .
(15) Despite the country's atrocious human rights records, the world community has done very little in response.
(16) The generally poor and occasionally atrocious quality of the writing doesn't help.
(17) We are exporting atrocious suffering, disease and death in poor countries where controls are not implemented.
(18) The people who are committing these atrocious acts are few, but they are mainly foreigners.
(19) In the old orthodox society the Sati system of widows mounting the funeral pyre of their husbands was an atrocious practice.
(20) The weather was atrocious , with heavy snow and high winds.
The Big Bang Theory Season 10, Episode 6
or possibly penguins, her English is atrocious.