(1) The human community, as he conceives it, is neither a mere juxtaposition of atomic individuals nor a superorganism living its own life apart from the individual members.
(2) Using a molecular beam epitaxy chamber, scientists spray-paint a surface with atoms under high temperatures, creating an atomic coating.
(3) Leahy's position on atomic weapons was affected by the fact that he simply did not believe that the bomb would work.
(4) The atomic fallout would settle along the beaches and cities of the world - including New Zealand and Canada.
(5) Cheney said recent information gleaned from a top former Pakistani nuclear scientist provided compelling evidence that Pyongyang has an active atomic weapons program.
(6) Radio Bikini reminds us that as long as there are atomic weapons around the world, what happened in that out of the way atoll is just another dumb decision, probably destined to be repeated.
(7) According to sources in the security services, upon his release the former atomic reactor technician is to be prevented from travelling abroad.
(8) This device was originally used to map surfaces at the atomic level by using a single atom held at the tip of a probe.
(9) The threat of nuclear proliferation will abate as dangerous stockpiles of atomic weapons are quickly used up.
(10) We can scoff now at the innocence of the early atomic age when we were all advised that in a nuclear attack it was safe to hide under the kitchen table.
(11) Particles from the atomic realm such as photons, electrons or atoms are fired at the first plate, which has two vertical slits in it.
(12) The centrality of atomic fission and fusion is giving way to the collection, processing, fusion, and dissemination of information.
(13) For low-resolution data, it is not necessary to consider the whole set of individual atomic positions.
(14) U251cu00f6u251cu00e7u251cu2510To me a table is a bowl of Jello,u251cu00f6u251cu00e7u251cu00fb he says, a reference to the constant jitters that occur on the atomic level.
(15) Just as nuclear scientists concerned about lethal radioactivity oppose atomic weapons, should marine scientists campaign for an end to coal-fired power stations?
(16) Studies of complex biological molecules at the atomic level will play a crucial role in this process.
(17) In conventional superconductors, atomic vibrations induce the electron pairing.
(18) Robert Oppenheimer, one of the scientists who created the American atomic bomb, characterized the atomic age as like two scorpions trapped in a glass jar.
(19) Whilst we are a long way away from turning lead into gold, science at the atomic level, or nanotechnology, is with us already.
(20) Dispersed material may range in size from particles of atomic and molecular dimensions to particles whose size is measured in millimeters.