(1) We salute his many accomplishments as an astronaut and as a husband and father.
(2) I always really enjoy explaining how space travel works and how you train for a space mission as an astronaut .
(3) The meeting was very informal and the girls were able to bombard Claudie with questions on what life is like as an astronaut .
(4) It allowed American and Soviet astronauts to work together and to get to know each other.
(5) Iceland was where the Apollo 11 astronauts trained for their lunar trip.
(6) It will be the second time American astronauts return to Earth in a Soyuz spacecraft.
(7) It was also the first time that US astronauts had returned from space in a Soyuz spacecraft.
(8) How much food do we need to have on the spacecraft for the astronauts to go to Mars?
(9) The large viewing windows will provide the astronauts with a view of the Earth quite unlike any other.
(10) It is an excellent source of information about current and past Russian astronautical technology.
(11) This is where astronauts are trained and the space shuttle program is managed.
(12) American astronauts and Soviet cosmonauts shook hands hundreds of miles above a burning Cambodia.
(13) The hostile environment of space poses a special challenge to the wellbeing of astronauts .
(14) The findings are not only important for the wellbeing of astronauts but for everybody.
(15) This is only a handful of some of the most notable men who helped to get American astronauts to the Moon.
(16) NASA permits astronauts to take some souvenirs for their family and close friends.
(17) Every orbit of the space shuttle treats the astronauts to stunning scenery.
(18) U251cu00f6u251cu00e7u251cu2510John has a deep interest in astronautical science and has the hands-on experience to back up what he has taught in the classroom,u251cu00f6u251cu00e7u251cu00fb said Administrator O'Keefe.
(19) For the astronauts on board the Space Station there are no less than sixteen sunrises and sunsets each day.
(20) Keith has over 20 years of experience as an astronautical engineer in the Air Force and in the civilian sector.