(1) Lacking a steady rhythm.
(2) Without regard for rhythm.
(3) Not having a steady rhythm.
(1) Patients with left ventricular dysfunction after MI are at risk for sudden arrhythmic death.
(2) The extract also improved anaphylactic cardiac dysfunction in passively sensitized isolated guinea hearts: improvement was noted in the contractility, arrhythmic duration and lactate dehydrogenase elevation.
(3) The editing is arrhythmic - it somehow feels cut all wrong, like there's no breathing room.
(4) As Wilson sits, singing from a pair of lyric prompters, he gesticulates in an arrhythmic , unsettling fashion.
(5) Other songs branch off down these individual tributaries: u2018High on the Mountain of Loveu2019 is an avalanche of sound; unwieldy and arrhythmic , the only thing certain about it is its persistent, all-encompassing forward momentum.
(6) They're not completely arrhythmic , the rhythms are just highly unconventional, often with different parts playing in different time signatures.
(7) In the arrhythmic patients, the antiarrhythmic treatment was gradually reduced, and in patients 1, 3, and 9, it was withdrawn.
(8) All 10 mice that received the drug thrived and never developed an arrhythmia, while 8 out of 9 untreated mice became arrhythmic and died.
(9) O'Brien's stodgy, arrhythmic prose never brings its subject to life.
(10) It also recommends it in certain patients who have not yet had a serious arrhythmic event but who are at high risk of sudden cardiac death, as primary prevention.
(11) Even the most arrhythmic Luddite has to cheer up when suddenly confronted with the Dr Who theme.
(12) U2018Mu00e4anderu2019 is an incredible, multi-layered sound world of 4 or 5 layers of clarinets that is atonal, arrhythmic , ominous, and funereal.
(13) All deaths were of cardiac origin: pump failure, arrhythmic deaths.
(14) We start our trek with some arrhythmic percussion.
(15) By increasing the number of needles inserted through the heart wall, the transmural spread of electrical activation has been mapped in three dimensions, revealing details of normal and arrhythmic propagation.
(16) Failing to understand or convey anything of the philosophy behind the notes, his performance was consistently stiff, hard and frankly arrhythmic .
(17) Twenty-four hour electrocardiographic monitoring is indicated when there is an increased probability of identifying an arrhythmic cause for syncope.
(18) The authors speculate that a group of patients with severe heart disease are u2018savedu2019 from an arrhythmic death only to die from pump failure without any clinically important increase in the overall lifespan.
(19) There are divergent results with respect to the association between heart rate variability and arrhythmic events.
(20) In the 1970s and 1980s, powerful oral and parenteral inotropic agents were developed to increase CO, but their use was associated with greater and earlier cardiac mortality, primarily due to sudden arrhythmic death.
(21) Consequently, haemodynamic and arrhythmic complications arose, with the need for repeat catheterisation and revascularisation, prolonged hospital stay, and increased costs.
(22) Continuous ST-segment monitoring provides uninterrupted, real-time information about the occurrence, frequency, and severity of significant arrhythmic and ischemic cardiac events.
(23) Therefore, true arrhythmic causes must be ruled out before the diagnosis of anxiety or panic disorder can be accepted as the cause of the palpitations. (1,11,12)
(24) By the end of the piece, they are more apparent than they were at the start, since listeners take the arrhythmic nature of speech for granted.
(25) Similarly there are dose response increases in heart attacks, and arrhythmic heart disease and death.
(26) In patients with heart disease, an arrhythmic cause should be excluded.
(27) Now, it's just words, torrents of them, stubbornly arrhythmic at times and other times too clinical to have any emotional impact.
(28) Somewhat infelicitous and arrhythmic on paper, the pledge is powerful when chanted out loud by thousands.
(29) My heart's arrhythmic , and one time I took a hormone test that indicated it was possible for me to have a thyroid disease.
(30) The note-taking during the reading of the Flusser book enabled me to overcome the travel sickness in the arrhythmic opening movement that is inevitable in an unfamiliar book.