(1) Any of various strong liquors distilled from the fermented sap of toddy palms or from fermented molasses
(1) Bull owners pride themselves on making their animals as aggressive as possible either by baiting them or feeding them large quantities of arrack , the local firewater.
(2) A heavy little cast-iron pan with one of the hessian napkins folded around the handle contained a fistful of gorgeous, buoyant prawns that had been cooked off in arrack to leave a heady aniseed whisper in the flesh.
(3) The 1990s saw illiterate poor women in the village of Dubagunta, Andhra Pradesh, launch a grass roots movement against the sale of arrack .
(4) She represents those who are deprived of their land and forest for a bottle of arrack or a glassful of tea.
(5) According to one of the three security officers at the warehouse, four masked men armed with a pistol entered the premises and forced them at gunpoint to gulp down a bottle of arrack , a strong alcoholic drink.
(6) Domestic products such as coconut toddy and herbal arrack of good quality should be produced on a large scale and sold under Government licence.
(7) Drinking of arrack or country liquor has been such a problem that pressure from women in recent years has led to its prohibition.
(8) The ban on arrack had saved a lot of families, but the present Government had deviated from its promise to gradually implement a ban on toddy as well.
(9) It has scenes of animals being forcibly fed arrack , non-stop beating to accelerate their pace during the race and other shocking images from the muddy tracks.
(10) The police exhorted the villagers to keep away from the influence of alcohol and illicit distilled arrack in the interest of their health.
(11) Paunch was a chilled blend of arrack , a distilled palm sap, with sugar, citrus, water and spices.
(12) Another retrograde step by the government is postponing elections to the Agriculture Produce Market Committees for the third time and extending the arrack auction till August.
(13) And there is a smell of arrack in the air as the men talk, the few that are willing to.
(14) A healthy supply of arak , the strong local spirit, soon banishes any lingering shyness.
(15) Also popular is arak , the anise-flavored alcohol produced in the region.
(16) The local drink that is popular with Arabic dishes is arak , an anise-flavored liquor that is mixed with water and ice.
(17) The local drink is known as arak , an anise-flavored beverage that is served mixed with ice and water.
(18) A unique Lebanese alcoholic creation is arak , a colorless, 100-percent-alcohol beverage flavored with anise.