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English to Bangla Meaning of apportion - অংশে অংশে ভাগ করা

বণ্টন করা, বিতরণ বা বিলি করা, বেঁটে দেওয়া, প্রাপ্য অনুযায়ী ভাগ করে দেওয়া, নির্দিষ্ট করে দেওয়া



অংশভাগ করা, অংশভাগ করিয়া দেত্তয়া, অংশ বিভাগ করা, অংশে অংশে ভাগ করা, বন্দেজ করা

Definitions of apportion in English


(1) Distribute according to a plan or set apart for a special purpose.

(2) Give out as one's portion or share.

(3) Divide into shares.

Examples of apportion in English

(1) The success was divided and I am asked to apportion the 14 hours that are shown on the Bill of Costs.

(2) They did not apportion blame or liability to any one individual

(3) Furthermore, the belief that multiple regression analyses will accurately apportion the contributions of smoking, increasing age, and other colinear factors has been shown to be unjustified.

(4) Census numbers are also used to draw political districts and apportion seats in Congress.

(5) Running your own shares portfolio is all about learning how to apportion your money in order to generate the best possible returns.

(6) The two states that apportion electoral votes by district still gave all their votes to one of the two major-party candidates last year.

(7) The power to apportion responsibility under the Law Reform Act 1945 afforded a far more appropriate tool for doing justice than the blunt instrument of turpitude.

(8) That theory turned on the fact of a broad consensus that modern societies must allocate wealth and opportunity through economic markets and must apportion political power through the markets of multiparty elections.

(9) It is to be noted first that this regulation provides a discretionary power to apportion the benefit.

(10) It is really all a case of getting our priorities right and this will never happen if we apportion the lion's share to the military.

(11) Should the road surface adhesion change when taking a corner, the efficient four-wheel drive system cuts in imperceptibly to apportion power according to grip and ensure that all remains under control.

(12) Half of the seats are apportioned to winning parties and half to candidates elected from so-called single-mandate constituencies.

(13) They complain that the best walkie-talkies are apportioned to the staff who come more in contact with the officers than those always on the move.

(14) Even the finding that had been available to the town had been apportioned to arrive over a two year period.

(15) Most of that, we think, is apportioned to assaults, particularly linked to alcohol.

(16) In these cases, the companies' revenues were divided in half and apportioned between the two countries.

(17) Although only labor and capital participate in the process, the income therefrom must be apportioned into three shares: as wages to labor, as interest to capital, and as rent to the landowner.

(18) If, however, the 60 deputies had been apportioned to the various constituencies on the basis of ordinary mathematical equality, the results would have been as follows.

(19) The deal merely apportioned the cabinet posts among power contenders without dissolving the factional militias.

(20) The language is necessarily tortured in describing the 18,225 electronic scratch-ticket machines that would be apportioned according to a formula in the initiative.

synonyms of apportion


portion out


Antonyms of apportion




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