(1) Inability to use or understand language (spoken or written
(2) Inability to use or understand language (spoken or written) because of a brain lesion
(1) I had not had seizures like this before - not with such severe aphasia , such an inability to ask for help and to help myself.
(2) I'm mindful how fortunate I am that I recovered from aphasia , when for many people who have suffered brain damage the condition can be a permanent state of mind.
(3) The stroke also caused a severe expressive aphasia , which left her able to say only two words.
(4) He was able to map language centers in the brain by observing lesions in patients suffering from aphasia .
(5) Initially expected to make a satisfactory recovery from the head injury, she subsequently suffered a stroke that left her with aphasia , diminished cognitive abilities, and a seizure disorder.
(6) Although awake at times, she was aphasic and incommunicative, at least to the physicians.
(7) Do we really understand what aphasic patients are trying to tell us when we get informed consent for invasive procedures?
(8) Mildly aphasic and often confused, he could no longer defend himself.
(9) The receptive aphasics among the participants detected that the woman was lying 73 percent of the time.
(10) In April 1860, he had suddenly become unconscious, and although he partly recovered, he remained aphasic .