(1) No data available
(2) Showing little or no emotion or animation
(3) Marked by a lack of interest
(4) Uncaring
(5) Disinterested
(1) Today's young people are said to be the most apathetic generation ever.
(2) As consumers, we have the power to refuse pop music that lulls us into numb, apathetic sleep.
(3) The task at next year's Scottish elections is not only to win a majority but to arouse the enthusiasm of a generally apathetic public.
(4) I spent too much time just coasting and doing nothing and being really apathetic and indifferent.
(5) Furthermore, filling up on fatty foods like bacon or cheese makes you tired, lethargic and apathetic .
(6) Despite her uncaring appearance, apathetic tone, and collected posture, I could see the real change in her.
(7) Politicians (those few of an idealistic bent) complain that people are too apathetic .
(8) I found my players were paceless, apathetic and not really up for the challenge.
(9) Or is it just that we have become overly apathetic and that doing anything about all it just seems too hard?
(10) Have they inspired and mobilised people who were previously apathetic about the plight of refugees?
(11) The adults must be prevented from getting bored, depressed and apathetic .
(12) At a time when apathetic youngsters are the hot topic of political debate, he is the exception that proves the rule.
(13) The shareholders had also been shown to be apathetic in protecting their interests.
(14) Indifferent, apathetic , she has no reason to think her life will improve.
(15) While students in the 1960s were famed for their radicalism, students of today are labelled as apathetic .
(16) Like a reformed smoker, he is the more zealous because until recently he was the archetypal apathetic customer.
(17) The tigers paced desperately and the gorillas and chimps seemed listless and apathetic .
(18) I don't think people are as apathetic as they seem, but it's hard to tell.
(19) Her friend seemed so apathetic and listless she wanted to shake her.
(20) She's reluctant to suggest that women are staying away from the polling booths because they're merely apathetic .
(21) U2018Who knows, who cares,u2019 Todd said apathetically .
(22) Joe shrugged apathetically and continued to walk.
(23) So I'll vote, and I might well vote Labour, if a little apathetically .
(24) He glanced apathetically about at the different posters from the 20s and 30s advertising different liquors and cheeses.
(25) Not all reform, however, was apathetically received.