(1) The smith looked up from the sword he was pounding on an anvil with a huge hammer, and wiped his eyes.
(2) The sound makes the eardrum vibrate, which in turn causes a series of three tiny bones (the hammer, the anvil , and the stirrup) in the middle ear to vibrate.
(3) Then Wollaston placed the metallic plug onto an anvil and began to hammer it - gently at first and then with increasing intensity.
(4) If a component was fairly large, he might have to modify his hearth to accommodate the work, and certainly needed to draft in help to control the hot metal on the anvil .
(5) A thundercloud, with a distinctive upper anvil shape, results from air which is moist and unstable rising by convection.
(6) Composed mostly of ice, an anvil cloud gets its shape from the rising air in the thunderstorm that expands and spreads out as the air bumps up against the bottom of the stratosphere.
(7) Their first few tools consisted of an engine block which was used as an anvil and some self-made hammers.
(8) The middle ear is an air-filled cavity which consists of an eardrum and three tiny, interconnected bones - the hammer, anvil , and stirrup.
(9) There they became the anvil and the hammer, minute bones that transmit sound from the eardrum to the stirrup bone and, ultimately, to the inner ear.
(11) They are both innately skilled, whether working metal with a hammer and anvil or wood with a carving tool.
(12) All you need is a plenishing hammer, the anvil , a few metal punches, files, tin-snips for cutting sheets of silver up to make rings and that's it.
(13) In his youth he struck many a telling blow from the hammer on the anvil and now he is keeping an important part of our culture alive.
(14) Rather, imagine the work of a blacksmith with his heavy hammer and anvil and a thick leather apron, smoke billowing from the forge.
(15) The blacksmith's skills are shown in the anvil and the hammer.
(16) Three small bones (the hammer, anvil , and stirrup bones) vibrate with the sound, passing the vibrations to the inner ear.
(17) In the simplest case, the metal is compressed between a hammer and an anvil and the final shape is obtained by turning and moving the work piece between blows.
(18) The top of a cumulonimbus cloud is often capped by cirrus, which is why the anvil of a thundercloud is often brilliant white.
(19) The firm no longer shoes horses, but still practises all the other traditional methods - using an anvil , hammer and coke fire - that the first Dunbars used all those years ago.
(20) The winds from above cause the head of the storm to tilt, and this creates the anvil at the top.