বৈপরীত্য, পরস্পরবিরোধী শব্দাবলী ব্যবহার, বিরোধালংকার, বিরোধাভাস, বিরোধ
(1) Exact opposite.
(2) The juxtaposition of contrasting words or ideas to give a feeling of balance.
(3) The juxtaposition of contrasting words or ideas to give a feeling of balance [also: antitheses (pl)].
(4) Contrast.
(5) Opposition.
(1) Okay, there's the thesis and antithesis , where's the synthesis?
(2) The antithesis he relied upon is between at the one extreme, vague ideas, pipedreams and perhaps a little more specifically, a concrete u251cu00f6u251cu00e7u251cu2510wish listu251cu00f6u251cu00e7u251cu00fb and, at the other, a working embodiment for a proposal.
(3) I fail to see any antithesis between deconstruction and construction.
(4) So any attempt to ignore the truth or deliberately not look in the direction where it obviously resides is the antithesis of what intelligence is about.
(5) As a matter of fact no antithesis exists between deduction and induction.
(6) Then, by weighing arguments and applying rules of logic, the thesis and antithesis are united into a synthesis.
(7) Yet Edward always saw reconciliation in the form of its antithesis or opposite.
(8) So that modern monopoly is not a simple antithesis , it is on the contrary the true synthesis.
(9) Othello's account of the origins of the handkerchief, another example of this discoursal antithesis , combines, in a contrastive fugal pattern, domestic detail and the mystical sublime of an empowering love.
(10) The new antithesis forms out of elements of the original contradiction that didn't make it into the synthesis.
(11) This is not an easy case to argue in societies like ours, where a kind of narcissistic individualism is continually on display, creating a selfish cult of celebrity that is the antithesis of the values I'm advocating.
(12) Figures of speech such as antithesis
(13) In setting up this notion of love as transcending law, the author is engaging in a false antithesis , for true love will not seek anything that is in opposition to the law of God.
(14) For these reasons I would like to begin by discussing the antithesis between Eve and the church.
(15) It is also to be noted that the dialectical process is not simply from thesis and antithesis to final synthesis; it is an eternal, open-ended spiral of development.
(16) The antithesis creates balance but also invites the reader to weigh the scales.
(17) Every theory, she says, has an antithesis - a theory that is in some way its direct opposite.
(18) As time passes, what is new becomes old, and meanings change (the antithesis of the u251cu00f6u251cu00e7u251cu2510timeless pastu251cu00f6u251cu00e7u251cu00fb beloved of many travel writers).
(19) The antithesis of light and day, or the opposite.
(20) The antithesis between occult and rational mentalities
(complete) opposite
other side of the coin
flip side