(1) The Tory party, of course, have moaned about the expense and hinted that they might abolish Sure Start altogether .
(2) Cllr Brian Stanley said that he was not altogether sure that all the blame lay on her shoulders.
(3) Altogether it was a great evening
(4) If we stop stigmatising suicide altogether , where will we end up?
(5) Though I am not sure Mr Blahnik altogether approves of that kind of informality.
(6) Maybe it is about time that smoking at the staff entrance was stopped altogether .
(7) We were ten altogether .
(8) How many people altogether work in the same organization?
(9) So altogether it would take at least two years if everything went well, it would take at least two years to get out of this life.
(10) In fact, I am not altogether sure that there is much truth at all going around Camps Bay these days.
(11) I therefore felt somewhat of a hypercrit to be making vows in God's house when I'm not altogether sure of my beliefs.
(12) I stopped seeing her altogether
(13) I should do like certain bloggers I have seen and stop altogether but I'm not sure I could.
(14) I'm not altogether sure that I'd trust him
(15) In fact maybe you should stop them watching TV altogether and make them get up from that playstation.
(16) After a while, I stop listening altogether , and go into nodding and smiling autopilot mode.
(17) And then there's the question of adjusting for inflation which I am not altogether sure how to go about.
(18) He had married several times and had forty-six children altogether
(19) Airline executives had warned that a change in insurance cover might force them to stop flying altogether .
(20) I'm not at the point where I'm a danger to other road users, if I were I would stop night driving altogether .