(1) He urged gardeners to avoid the use of exotic plants and not to plant alien flowers out in the wild or along hedgerows.
(2) Drug taking is alien to most of us in society, and the photograph did show the stereotypical u251cu00f6u251cu00e7u251cu2510drug takingu251cu00f6u251cu00e7u251cu00fb scene; but is drug taking really so alien to the streets of York?
(3) This is to familiarise the hosts with the latest fads in styling and lifestyles and an alien culture.
(5) It's such an alien culture to our own in so many ways that I find it incredibly fascinating.
(6) Carr is a hero in the UFO literature, but his stories of flying saucers and alien creatures were all delusions.
(7) Perhaps it might seem alien to someone unfamiliar with comics.
(8) How is it that we are dominated by an alien culture and religion, and even alter our laws to accommodate the practices of others?
(9) The urge to laugh is almost overwhelming as the enticing conspiracy theory degenerates into ranting about reptiles and an alien race plotting to take over the world.
(10) It's easy to see why as it covers familiar territory of a disillusioned white man seeking redemption in his respect and defence of an alien culture.
(11) The article about our town in the tabloid on Sunday week last was negativity through and through, depicting a picture of Dungarvan that certainly is alien to me.
(12) Imagine that an alien race, one that has never had contact with the human race, discovers the following items.
(13) As stated above, he claims that there is a tunnel on the Moon through which alien spacecraft can pass.
(14) What is this alien culture that threatens to infect Anglo-Americans?
(15) Tarkovsky's spirituality is profoundly alien to the west's dualism: it is earthly, earthy, as cool and clear and material as the water his camera spends so long dwelling upon.
(16) He claimed the thing was some type of alien spacecraft.
(17) That would mean any non-U.S. citizen, even an illegal alien , would be allowed to vote if that person has a child in the public school system.
(18) Darryl said he wouldn't be surprised if they also found an alien spacecraft in that cave.
(19) The moment one of the partners is expected to give up their beliefs and to fit in with an alien culture against their will, we no longer have a healthy marriage.
(20) One third accepted lucky numbers and 30 percent felt that some UFOs were alien spacecraft.