(1) This morning, I found myself caught up in a brief discussion about some of the latest events on the - ahem - popular music scene.
(2) Some of our distinguished public officials would, ahem , be leading the way.
(3) It is far, far more than a mere institution governed by a body of, ahem , rather obtuse potentates.
(4) Well, ahem, not exactly
(5) As it happens, it was 6 months before I attended a book group session, and the book itself turned out to be about, ahem , spelling bees.
(6) Not being constricted by a pocket-money allowance, price is a secondary consideration for we, ahem , more mature buyers.
(7) Apologies for stating the obvious but, ahem , it's a tad cold outside - just in case you hadn't noticed.
(8) And today comes further news of the - ahem - minor difficulties.
(9) Bottom line, the show's a little too, ahem , long, but any less and the $48 price tag would seem limp.
(10) I read that book recently and it had a real, ahem , impact on me.
(11) Back in my - ahem - college days, there was a little game called The Century Club.
(12) I'm OK at gears but I'm not very good at, ahem , asserting myself in traffic.
(13) You don't buy that sort of thing if you haven't got something ahem  on your mind.
(15) Melissa - ahem  I get the distinct feeling that I've been booted out of the cheerleading squad?
(16) The idea is that you train your dog to ahem  eliminate whenever it hears a certain word or phrase.
(17) The public bar would win no beauty contests, and avoid it at all costs if you have a problem with passive smoking - or, ahem , folk music.
(18) As part of my - ahem - sociological research, I have posted another personal ad.
(19) If they had let me in flight deck while airborne, I'd only have distracted their work with my charm ahem !
(20) These aquarium buddies are cheap, require little upkeep and there is no expensive burial should they, ahem , not make it.