অবনতি, অধোগতি, অধোগমন
(1) An exasperated feeling of annoyance.
(2) Unfriendly behavior that causes anger or resentment.
(3) Action that makes a problem or a disease (or its symptoms.
(4) Action that makes a problem or a disease (or its symptoms) worse.
(5) Annoyance.
(6) Worsening of a situation.
(1) So we were not entirely surprised to hear that the HP 8100 burner was still causing aggravation to Win2K users.
(2) The latest figures show a certain aggravation on the inflation front, according to the report.
(3) You echo the concerns and aggravation of many day and resident camp directors I have worked with over the past several years.
(4) The patient experienced an aggravation of symptoms
(5) A two-hour delay, a bit of aggravation , and a hint of danger this morning for passengers aboard a Boston-bound Amtrak train.
(6) Internet users' aggravation with the deluge of pop-up ads
(7) I accept that he did suffer from some aggravation of his existing mental health problems.
(8) Lots of overheads, lots of admin, lots of aggravation .
(9) Because magnets have such a positive effect on vascular circulation, some individuals may experience a temporary aggravation as a consequence of the increased discharge of toxins.
(10) In this article I shall try to present you my opinion about the recent aggravation of earthquakes across the globe.
(11) A source of aggravation could be your temporary inability to sort out intensely private feelings.
(12) Negotiators were optimistic despite the aggravation of the standoff caused by the press release
(13) Copy down all your internet info, since you'll lose all your prefs and settings, but it's worth avoiding the aggravation .
(14) U251cu00f6u251cu00e7u251cu2510It's not worth the aggravation ,u251cu00f6u251cu00e7u251cu00fb he said, describing the process as too complicated.
(15) I think this new service offers nothing but more headaches: more of my time, more email, more aggravation .
(16) The aggravation of the problem is directly related to the violence unleashed on the natural enemies of pests.
(17) Sounds of frustration and aggravation emanated from the kitchen.
(18) He pitched in an extended spring training game last week with no further aggravation .
(19) Had I been on that bus, I would have encouraged her to save her feminist indignation, frustration, aggravation and tears for, oh, equal pay for equal work, or the right to choose.
(20) I'm struggling to keep those rants off this page and every time I sit down to write I think, do I really need the aggravation that comes with taking a side on an issue?