TV series example of the word

The Big Bang Theory Season 3, Episode 6
I'm sorry, Raj, but the rules of aerial warfare dictate...
গগনচারী, বায়বীয়, খেচর, উচ্চ, অবাস্তব, কাল্পনিক, বায়ুময়, বায়ুপূর্ণ, আকাশচর, আন্তরীক্ষ, আকাশজাত, আকাশস্থ, গগনবিহারী, নভশ্চর, নভস্থিত, উপরিচর
অ্যরিয়েল, রেডিত্ততার, আকাশ-তার
(1) Existing or living or growing or operating in the air
(2) Characterized by lightness and insubstantiality; as impalpable or intangible as air
(3) In or belonging to the air or operating (for or by means of aircraft or elevated cables) in the air
(4) Growing in air
(5) Characterized by lightness and insubstantiality
(6) Asimpalpable or intangible as air
(7) Occurring in the air
(1) A pass to a receiver downfield from the passer
(2) An electrical device that sends or receives radio or television signals
(1) Most of the Barbarians had stopped their fighting, and now watched the aerial battle.
(2) Just what will happen when an aerial appliance is needed?
(3) He began to fear the training for the aerial battles.
(4) One especially valuable contribution of the book is its analysis of numerous small aerial battles.
(5) The guard outside turned his head to look at the aerial battle as he finished up.
(6) It also has a tiny beak with a large gape which help the bird catch its aerial prey.
(7) Instead, its primary mission was to protect Red Army operations from aerial attacks by the enemy.
(8) Aerial reconnaissance
(9) Though bats and birds are both aerial creatures, records of their interaction have been extremely rare.
(10) Both aircraft were utilised for aerial reconnaissance, and flew more than 100 hours.
(11) The harvested root and aerial parts of the plant are used.
(12) Simple trichomes are present on aerial surfaces of most angiosperms and on some gymnosperms and bryophytes.
(13) Air conditioner filters help preserve the walls and fixtures by removing dust and other aerial particles.
(14) Swifts are the most rapid fliers known among living creatures and the most aerial of birdsu251cu00f6u251cu00e7u252cu00ac
(15) One man reported major fish kills in the wild after aerial sprayings of DDT.
(16) An aerial species
(17) An aerial survey
(18) He's up on a television aerial just across the road.
(19) The aircraft is also capable of carrying a range of aerial bombs with a total weight up to 40 tons.
(20) Some people specialize in aerial photography.
transmitting aerial
The Big Bang Theory Season 3, Episode 6
I'm sorry, Raj, but the rules of aerial warfare dictate...