(1) The trip is an exciting adventure for Alex and mum Karen who is accompanying him, especially as the location for the shoot was originally going to be Nottingham.
(2) But suppressing their sense of adventure and insulating them from risk is not good for their long-term development.
(3) What is lacking is suitable play equipment for our children to explore and develop their sense of adventure and excitement.
(4) A walled and deserted garden provides the idea place for adventure and excitement for the town's children, until its owner returns.
(5) In any military adventure, the first casualty is truth
(6) Men crave adventure , risk, danger and heroic sacrifice.
(7) The past year was full of adventure and excitement.
(8) The only downside to my commercial adventure is the mischief being done to the American dollar.
(9) U251cu00f6u251cu00e7u251cu2510I feel as though we're embarking upon an exciting adventure ,u251cu00f6u251cu00e7u251cu00fb she confessed, her eyes sparkling.
(10) There is something endlessly appealing about this film, a sense of adventure and excitement as seen through the lens of a Hollywood of a more innocent time.
(11) You are a roamer and need adventure , excitement, and freedom.
(12) It is a new experience, a new adventure , and we have lots of family and friends who will come out to see us.
(13) For some children starting kindergarten is an exciting adventure , for others the experience borders on the terrifying.
(14) Even for veteran scuba divers such as myself, an excursion on a submarine is an exciting adventure .
(15) I go out looking for adventure and risk, so I can feel alive.
(16) It is also an exciting adventure and a story of a quest that must be fulfilled.
(17) There is, of course, some thrill and sense of adventure in this sudden departure to a wholly new country and continent.
(18) There was so much excitement and adventure in this story that really made me think about my life, in particular what I take for granted.
(19) I am armed with a sense of adventure , and excited for what awaits.
(20) A sense of adventure