(1) The Chin army began a systematic advance at the same moment that their retreating chariots wheeled and fell on the Tzu-hsi's exposed flanks.
(2) Oil prices will almost certainly not advance in the next 12 months to the same extent as they have in the past year.
(3) But to advance our knowledge such views need to be supported by rigorous analytical reasoning and the dispassionate gathering of cases and data.
(4) A man can lose a contract from publishers by spending their advance on finishing a book for another publisher.
(5) The lines of advance for combined units and units should be selected with the idea to first of all capture the objectives on which the stability of defense hinges.
(6) People could gamble without panicking and planning to re-mortgage their home, or dashing out to get an advance on their paycheck from the corner money store.
(7) The purpose of the current investigation was to advance the empirical basis for understanding service provision to the homeless population.
(8) Record companies advance money for recording costs and provide limited marketing services for the music that artists conceive and create.
(9) This will, in some cases, mean more budget will be spent to advance these projects in 2008 and 2009.
(10) Everyone knew tomorrow's mission involved an armored advance against possible heavy enemy defenses.
(11) If you receive a bonus payment, which is essentially an advance on your royalties, that will be separate property.
(12) The next morning Nataraj asked for an advance on his salary to buy rice, and kerosene for the little stove we provide. I gave it to him.
(13) Surely, a division of labor is essential if we are to advance the frontiers of knowledge; we need technical experts focused on specific fields of investigation.
(14) But they also have the effect of preventing the customer from getting the loan quickly, especially since the charge document has to be complete in all respects before the advance copy is sent.
(15) Security elements must check out all suspected ambush areas prior to the advance of the main element.
(16) The group has rejected any talk of a settlement for now despite calls for conciliatory gestures to advance the peace plan.
(17) The telltale clink of tracks heralds the advance of a brigade combat team.
(18) The above paragraph, by the way, is written in a week when a leading publisher announced an advance payment of 500,000 to a previously unpublished author.
(19) This enables borrowers to get 90% of their mortgage delivered as a cash advance - a major bonus when you need to splash out on land and materials.
(20) For those who've asked for advance notice, I'll be on the Lehrer News Hour Tuesday evening.