আদিবাসী, আদিম অধিবাসী
(1) An indigenous person who was born in a particular place
(2) A member of the people living in Australia when Europeans arrived
(3) The earliest known inhabitants of a region
(4) A dark-skinned member of a race of people living in Australia when Europeans arrived
(5) First inhabitant
(1) However, I note that a leading Canadian authority on aboriginal title stated that one dimension of it is its inalienability.
(2) It still gives the Minister of Aboriginal Affairs authority over aboriginal children's education.
(3) The shockwaves of that first gunfire are still being felt in aboriginal communities today throughout the country.
(4) Now, the division needs to bring aboriginal perspectives into the entire curriculum, for all its students.
(5) The Paiwan are surrounded by Han Chinese and other aboriginal groups including Rukai and Puyuma.
(6) In North America alone, there are many aboriginal cultures that no longer know a word of their original languages.
(7) There are seven distinct aboriginal languages, which are grouped into three language families.
(8) The site will be arranged to evoke the lands where the eleven aboriginal nations in Quebec live.
(9) The Maya and Garifuna demonstrate the surviving tribal traits of the aboriginal peoples.
(10) Two weeks ago, accompanying her as she questioned Premier Yu, were a group of activists from different aboriginal tribes.
(11) In ancient and aboriginal cultures, dreams were too important to he entrusted to mere dreamers.
(12) As National Aboriginal Day dawns Monday, the statistics for aboriginal youth remain depressing.
(13) Mr. Wellheiser was adopted by a native Canadian family and has been extensively involved in aboriginal activities.
(14) Handley said aboriginal health is not just a federal matter because a large and growing proportion of natives live off-reserve.
(15) The Committee is concerned that aboriginal rights of Native Americans may, in law, be extinguished by Congress.
(16) Few of the dramatic postglacial changes in global environment escaped the attention of aboriginal humans.
(17) Around the world, 70 percent of uranium deposits are located on aboriginal land.
(18) The main exception to this has been the relationship between the dominant French-English state and aboriginal peoples.
(19) A small remnant of Khoi and San aboriginal populations lives in the extreme northwest.
(20) As a territory born out of the desire for an aboriginal land claims agreement, we are governed as a public government.