পতিত, কৃপণ, অতীব দুর্দশাগ্র্রস্ত, নিতান্ত হীন, কৃপণবত, শোচনীয়
(1) Of the most contemptible kind.
(2) Most unfortunate or miserable.
(3) Showing utter resignation or hopelessness.
(4) Showing humiliation or submissiveness.
(5) Hopeless and downtrodden.
(1) I'm usually a sucker for full-on bad taste, but this was just so abject .
(2) From a position of optimism generated by a highly impressive presentation, potential winners had suddenly become abject losers, all the long hours of campaigning reduced to nothing.
(3) Apologies, official, abject , routinely demanded, and formally offered, are considered not just a right but a requirement.
(4) If so, I would have to address it as men have always done: by persistence, alternating reasoned argument with abject pleas and fawning adulation.
(5) Isn't humiliation on your own TV network, followed by an abject apology, enough?
(6) Just let me fall into bed and leave me to my abject misery.
(7) He looked about at all the imitations of himself, like a ring of mirrors each showing California in a state of abject want.
(8) We were shattered by dad's death and my mother [Isla] was especially in a state of abject grief.
(9) Regardless, it's always been abject unhappiness that has derailed my train to health.
(10) However with no middle class, the vast bulk of its people are living in abject and unsustainable poverty.
(11) Surely no financial inducement can be worth such abject loss of dignity.
(12) The free market economy did not alleviate the abject misery of the poor.
(13) I returned from Siberia to a mountain of furious letters to which I could only write abject apologies.
(14) Since they are abject human beings, he implies, he does not have to engage them at that level.
(15) All told, the occupants of the car painted a picture of abject misery.
(16) Behind the colourless doors of these homes were people who still live in the misery of abject poverty.
(17) Adults who accompany their offspring to the local multiplex will be thrown into a state of abject despair.
(18) My behaviour, when I am conducting perfectly legitimate activity such as registering an insurance claim, is one of abject apology.
(19) A small exploitative class of intermediaries benefited enormously from the neocolonial relationship, but the masses were sunk in abject poverty and misery.
(20) I mean, when I think of Cambodia in the 1970s, I think abject misery, suffering and genocide on a Stalin-like scale.