(1) (Judaism
(2) The auspicious one; a major divinity in the later Hindu pantheon
(3) (Judaism) a period of seven days of mourning after the death of close relative
(4) The Destroyer
(5) One of the three major divinities in the later Hindu pantheon
(1) The shiva was the worst period, the shloshim was very hard, and this stage is bad.
(2) Jews sit shiva for those who die
(3) She went to her sister's funeral and sat shiva
(4) My husband and I immediately decided to invite her to sit shiva in our home.
(5) Upon hearing the news, the families began sitting shiva , the Jewish mourning ritual.
(6) After shiva , my wife went to shul every day to say Kaddish.
(7) A death is followed by a mourning period of seven days, a process called sitting shiva , during which friends and relatives pay visits to the family of the deceased and bring food.