(1) A member of the Siouan people formerly living in Missouri in the valleys of the Missouri and Osage rivers; oil was found on Osage lands early in the 20th century
(2) A river in Missouri that is a tributary of the Missouri River
(3) The Dhegiha dialect spoken by the Osage
(1) Above all, it would be the increasingly powerful Osages living to the west of the new city that determined the success of this enterprise.
(2) Another wealthy tribe, the 16,000-strong Osage in Oklahoma, owns the rights to one of the richest oil and gas fields in the state.
(3) There are also Indians from other tribes who have moved into Tahlequah: Creeks, Kiowas, Osages , and even Navajos.
(4) Among the Osage , the clan member who took the captive usually kept the captive in his clan as a ‘sho-ka’ or clan messenger and helper.
(5) In this remark, we hear a surviving fragment of this very ‘thunder power,’ handed down from an Osage ancestor.
(6) Recently, the authors asked an Osage , a descendent of a member of the Gthon’ I-ni-ka-sh-ga clan, about the rites and obligations of this high-status clan.
(7) If you speak Osage , you can understand after a little while, Ponca.
(8) The name comes from the Osage Indians of that region, who, like other Native Americans, valued the tree for its wood.
(9) Currently, about twenty tribal members out of eighteen thousand can speak Osage fluently.
(10) Turkey beards (likened to human scalps) were used for some of the vertical elements of traditional Osage hair roaches.
(11) The Osage adoption ceremonies traditionally use one or two calumet pipes, some with bells, said to represent the sound of thunder, and two tufts of owl feathers, said to represent deer lungs.
(12) Osage is a Siouan language of the Southern Plains. Only a handful of elders still speak the Osage language today, but some young people are trying to learn.
(13) The Osage Indians of Missouri made a bread called ‘stanic’ from the pulp of the persimmon and ground corn.