English to burmese meaning of

Sentence Examples

  1. I was surprised to find it had been carefully oiled and cleaned.
  2. He showed it again to the clerk, a svelte young man with oiled and perfumed black hair.
  3. Thick planks of oiled jarrah on stacks of red bricks formed a three-tiered bookcase and flanked the desk.
  4. The oiled locks were cut to a medium length that brushed his ears and fell onto his forehead in a wave.
  5. Parker had two more cleaned and oiled pistols next to the cash register in the checkout aisle.
  6. Then she took the shotgun outside and sat on a stump chair while she cleaned and oiled it, measured black powder down both barrels, rammed a wad and shot down each, and raised it to her shoulder.
  7. Under the arched and pillared entryway to the palace, Ovadia inspected a stately oak throne, oiled and buffed to a warm glow in the sunlight.
  8. There were bottles and cases of queer-smelling stuffs, chemicals no doubt for experiments, and there were coils of fine copper wire and yanks and yanks of thin oiled silk.
  9. The flesh was inhuman, it was oiled in a thick coating of black tar.
  10. They were new and beautiful, and the color bearer habitually oiled the pole.