English to amharic meaning of

የ"ጸጋ" መዝገበ ቃላት ፍቺው፡-(ስም)ውበት፣ ውበት ወይም ማራኪ የእንቅስቃሴ፣ ቅርፅ ወይም መጠን። li>ለሰዎች ለመታደስ ወይም ለመቀደስ የተሰጣቸው ያልተገባ መለኮታዊ እርዳታ። በጎ ፈቃድ። ከምግብ በፊት ወይም በኋላ የሚቀርብ አጭር የምስጋና ጸሎት። ጨዋነት የተሞላበት ባህሪ። ምህረት። መደሰት።


  1. good will
  2. goodwill

Sentence Examples

  1. He did grace us with a friendly smile and a wave of his own.
  2. Days in Wedowee, Alabama, were filled with saying prayers, grace and thanking the Lord for every little thing, even Uncle Jake catching that seven-pound bass in the Fayette County Lake.
  3. He climbed with amazing grace and quickly sprawled out on a high branch.
  4. Many who saw it would remember Seymour, and even though that man had fallen from grace, his network had been so far reaching and so thoroughly entwined throughout the court that there was little he did not know about.
  5. Moving with catlike grace, she stood upright again, sliding the dagger back into the sheath concealed up her sleeve.
  6. Carl cleared his throat, and Xantham had the grace to look abashed.
  7. Tarkyn watched in horror as, with ponderous grace, the makeshift stand sagged to one side.
  8. Before Tarkyn could re-orient himself, Waterstone scrambled to his feet with an uncharacteristic lack of grace and disappeared into the trees.
  9. The grace and beauty of the showering white falls captured my soul.
  10. Her mom was Grace, and her grandmother had been Lucy.

TV Series Examples



by the grace of all the gods,



His Grace went on about you



but l fear His Grace doesn't always listen.



lt is also the wish of His Grace



My lord, Her Grace the queen.



His Grace summons me to King's Landing,