English to amharic meaning of

የማሟሟት ቃል መዝገበ ቃላት ፍቺው ጠጣር፣ፈሳሽ ወይም ጋዝ ወደ ፈሳሽነት እንዲገባ በማድረግ መፍትሄ እንዲፈጠር የማድረግ ተግባር ወይም ሂደት ወይም አንድን ንጥረ ነገር የማፍረስ ወይም የመበታተን ተግባር ነው። የኬሚካላዊ ምላሽ ዘዴዎች. እንዲሁም ህጋዊ ወይም መደበኛ ስምምነትን ወይም ሽርክናን የማቆም ወይም የማጥፋት ድርጊትን ሊያመለክት ይችላል።


  1. dissolution

Sentence Examples

  1. He hesitated, and the window of opportunity slipped away like the final traces of sunlight dissolving into night.
  2. Her disappointment was like another slap in the face and she felt herself dissolving.
  3. Fortunately the doughnuts soon made an appearance, dissolving the talk.
  4. Two women hurried past, one carrying a paper bag full of her daily shopping with the paper already dissolving in the wet.
  5. His body deflated like a crushed skein of wine, imploding into the bands of void as the symbiote fed until his physical body disintegrated in real time, peeling away in flakes and dissolving in the excess heat of the exchange.
  6. She met my eyes with a bright smile, her face dissolving into a mass of lines.
  7. When I did finally negotiate the winding streets past office buildings and coffee shops and fashion boutiques, and into the lobby of Park Avenue Investigations, it was like tension physically dissolving around me.
  8. In moments, the spell seeped into him, dissolving his body as it touched.
  9. Once it reacts with oxygen, the acid will begin dissolving whatever it has been applied to.
  10. Both Brooke and Evan succeeded in dissolving their rocks, whilst the Silcorn cousins ended up hitting each other and had to have Balzabar rush to heal them before the acid ate away at their skin.